Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer

Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer
English | 2024 | Science Fiction

What happens when you’re on holiday and the sun explodes?
> Passport
> Suncream
> Apocalypse???

Professional underachiever Dan Foster is finally taking a break. Sure, his life has been average at best and, yes, he has never has quite lived up to his potential. But after a few Bud Lights in paradise with his girlfriend Mara, things are starting to look up.

Then the sun explodes.
With the island suddenly plunged into darkness, the ultra-rich guests hijack the remaining supplies and declare themselves the new ruling class. Led by a fitness influencer turned ruthless dictator, martial law is declared and the hoi polloi are press-ganged into service. And it’s just Dan’s luck that he could land an even worse job while on holiday.
As temperatures drop and class tensions rise, Dan might have found a way for himself and Mara to escape the island. But sneaking away would also mean abandoning the burgeoning revolution that he might-have-kind-of-sort-of single-handedly started.

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