Eight Years of Lies by Lisa Hall
Eight Years of Lies by Lisa Hall
English | 2025 | Mystery & Thriller
Was my marriage always built on lies? How could everything unravel so quickly?
My life wasn’t perfect — school runs, late meetings, family dinners — But we were happy.
Then a single Facebook post destroys it all: ‘PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP ME? HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? I am Lydia French. This is my husband and child — they have been missing for several months and I am desperate to find them.’
I look at the photo of a man and a little girl, smiling in the sun, and freeze. They’re not Lydia French’s husband and child. They’re mine.
I get a call from the school. Tom hasn’t picked up our daughter. He’s not answering his phone. His boss says he didn’t show up for work.
Nothing makes sense. Panic claws my chest as I piece together the fragments of my shattered reality.
The man I’ve lived with for the past eight years, the man I’ve made a home, a family, a life with, isn’t who I thought he was at all. The man I married has been lying to me . . . about everything.