Play Dumb by Cole Chase

Play Dumb by Cole Chase (Shadowfast: the Valiant Thrillogy #2)
English | 2025 | Mystery & Thriller

When liars battle, mind the ricochets.

In this follow-up to the action thriller Cold Hit, a devastating hack flips the script on the FBI, freezing all their criminal prosecutions.

Shadowfast has the data that can fix the hack, making them everyone’s target. Can con man Quinn and his heavy metal heist crew outwit a two-faced ex-POTUS and a violent private militia? To counter ruthless pursuit, they’ll rely on their go-to tools: clever scams, counter-hacks, and seduction.In Quinn’s murky world of cons and betrayals, mysteries abound. Is the woman who goes by “Grace Sullivan” really his long-lost mother, or a deceptive threat? How does the data tie them to rising esports star QTsm00ch, who combats hundreds of threats on her life? What’s the connection to Xavion, struggling to survive a brutal privatized prison?Shadowfast faces war on every front. But if they can turn a battle of arms into a battle of wits, they might win.

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